Yesterday, the media was all a-buzz with wild-but-sketchy details on the six young wannabee Islamists and their ambitious plans to attack Fort Dix.
The list of suspects to date includes:
- Mohamad Ibrahim Shnewer - age ?- Jordanian born - store clerk;
- Shain Duka - age 26 - born former Yugoslavia - roofer;
- Eljvir Duka- age 23 - brother of Shain ,born former Yugoslavia-roofer;
- Dritan Duka- age 28 - brother of Shain & Eljvir, same P.O.B.-roofer;
- Serder Tatar- age 23- born in Turkey;
- Agron Abdullahu - age 24 - born former Yugoslavia. (Agron was known as "the sniper from Kosovo" within the group.)
At the moment, the internet is seething with speculation at least three of the suspects were smuggled into the country. The "Border Patrollers" - a hodgepodge of like-minded anti-immigrant groups - some of which actually have members living in the Border states - (Texas,Arizona, New Mexico, California) -will insist they sneaked across the Rio Grande.They probably came in 3-4 years ago on tourist visas,and "went to earth" once the 30 day period expired - but the "Patrollers" don't want to hear that !
I expect-based on prior observations-we shall soon begin hearing about how unjustly the "Fort Dix Six" are being treated - (Hell, probably as I write this, some dedicated "Progressive" is rushing to publish " the inside story" on how these poor lads were "set up" by the FBI) - and it will soon be published as "a given " that the whole terrorist charade was staged to draw attention away from the Bush administration - and/or to justify new police state measures.
The Alex Jones 9/11 "Truthers" (AJTs) may suggest the whole thing was a Mossad or Bilderberg plot to further Zionist world domination schemes.
CAIR - or some similar organization , will wonder loudly why poor boys of Muslim heritage are being picked on. Some of the wingnuts of the "Christian Right" will express indignation (yet again) because "followers of the Moon God" are tolerated in this country.
There are those who will snicker , and say, because the FBI caught these lads before they could do anything , the whole thing was just a lark. Had they managed to do some harm before the FBI got them,it would be said-with equal fervor-the FBI had failed to protect the American people from vicious terrorists.
This leads me to a small digression: If the FBI had managed to capture the hijackers before they attacked the World Trade Center and Pentagon,would not those same people snicker and belittle their efforts ? Can't you hear it now ? " Boxcutters ? So what if they had boxcutters ??"
Oh, well, not to worry ! By tomorrow there will be something else to divert attention from the very real existence of a large number of "home grown" terror cells - whose "sacred causes" range from Islamic Jihad to machine-gunning Mexican border crossers.
They are out there folks, and no amount of snide, supercilious commentary will make them go away.