There are two,widely ( if not wildly ) divergent schools of thought on the issue of illegal aliens.
One group - the "open Borders" advocates - seems to suggest we should welcome illegal aliens with open arms:giving them carte blanche on anything they desire: freedom from taxation, free medical care,free college education , and ( according to a small group of radicals in the Northeast ) the right to vote in our elections - regardless of their non-citizenship (!)
These self- annointed "protectors of the little people" are often clueless students: egged on by folks who sincerely desire the downfall of the United States. Their strident "demands" irritate anyone with half a brain, and hand ammunition to a second group.
This second group - just as vociferous and radical - seems to have adopted the viewpoint that,because illegal aliens are here in violation of the law, they are not entitled to any legal protections whatsoever ; that they should be "fair game", and ; according to certain "ultra-radicals" , we should beat them, shoot them, hang them, poison or destroy desert waterholes, sow anti-personnel mines , etc.
I think you'll find most Americans somewhere in the middle of these two extremes: fed up with the excesses of the Open Borders and La Raza crowd, but alarmed by the open racism of the "Racial Purity" faction.
There have been a number of court cases involving these issues : some of which enrage the Racial Purists.
In one case , two Border Patrol officers were convicted of misconduct , and sentenced to prison terms , after firing a large number of rounds at a fleeing Mexican drug smuggling suspect (eventually hitting him in the butt).
In a second case , a Sheriff's Deputy , tried to halt a car that had nearly run him over . He "fired at the tires" of the fleeing vehicle : managing to hit the inside of the passenger compartment and wound a woman passenger. He has been charged, at the insistence of the Mexican government,but some here are arguing he was within his rights because the occupants of the vehicle were illegals.
Really ? When did illegal entry to the US become a capital crime ? Isn't it usually a misdemeanor - or, at best, a low-grade felony ?
If we are going to declare open season on everyone committing the crime of being here illegally,why couldn't we begin shooting the hookers and drug dealers working our streets ? They're commiting crimes too , as are underage kids getting drunk, and people who drive recklessly.
Where would we start ? Better still, how would we stop ?